Center Console Construction

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After the audio system completion, I have looked around the interior and realized that What is now letting the car down is the center console. I want something custom, with a few gauges and custom built for the radio, but also not too wild. I want it to look factory, period correct (as correct as can be with a cd player), and not stand out too much so not flashy. I have seen some that were very custom looking and seen some that looked very home made. I want clean. Stock looking and functional. I am going to also attempt to make it seamless with no visible screws. So my inspiration is this:


So I have stripped the vinyl off the old console and started to rebuild it. 20140715-093932-34772530.jpg


Then I began to mock up the new face once I attached the shifter surround.



I ordered an e36 BMW clock and cubby hole that fits in a standard DIN opening. This will go in my new face and provide 2 things; 1. a nice analog clock and 2. a nice place to put my phone which is usually the where all my music comes from. This was from an eBay auction from Germany.



My first task will be to mock up the face, put the dimensions into a CAD type program and design the face. Then print it out for a template. Here is my progress so far. My real issue is that I have far too many ideas and zero experience with this sort of work, but its a learning process!

Click here for the next part!


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