My Tijuana Paintjob: 1 Year Paint Update

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Just an update on the car paint  wow it's been just about a year since I got the car back from paint in Tijuana.  I'm very happy with the results still.  Is it perfect?  No, but to get a better paint job probably would have cost 4 times as much.  My only REAL complaint is the headliner and they have agreed to redo that.  It's just coming undone in one corner.  


Here are some pics of the car I just snapped.  Nothing special.

3 Replies to “My Tijuana Paintjob: 1 Year Paint Update”

  1. Hey that looks great! I am really considering taking my car to TJ and have the same guys work on mine. How could I get in contact with you? I was hoping to pick your brain about some stuff.

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