Tail Light Rehab

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From the back of the car I have been noticing how dull and dark the taillights looked.  My assumption was there was dust/exhaust soot on the insole of the lenses.  I pulled them off and cleaned them and they were not very dirty at all.  I looked in the light buckets and they were completely covered in soot.  I cleaned them and it revealed that there was zero reflectivity inside.  Just a dull dark gray.  I decided to paint the light buckets a gloss white.  This would brighten the lenses during the day and at night the lights would be reflective.  I started by removing the lenses, then cleaning the light buckets.






I then masked the area well.

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I sprayed about 5 coats of Krylon Gloss white paint.  This paint does not require primer first.  So I used it.  Not bad.


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Here is what it looked like after I pulled the masking off.

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Here is what it looks like with the bulbs and lenses back on.  Pretty nice!  IMG_6917 - Version 2IMG_6919 - Version 2


Here is what it looks like with brakes on and with reverse lights on.  Nice upgrade!

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