Carb & Compression Test

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Took the car to a good shop…Black Forest BMW….they know 2002’s. I tell the guy my problem about revving past 4k RPM. He says…hmm…lets look at the carb, and instantly realizes the 2nd stage of the carb is not fully opening…..Which means I have been driving on about half throttle. He orders a part for my trusty Weber 32/36 carb and the car is running nice! Also had a compression test done on the motor so I can assess the condition of the internals. Came back GREAT…..The only issue is the smoke on downshifts and he says its the rings. Not much you can do but keep oil in it and when I am ready do a ring job, but the engine is in great shape! Nice….time to start the mods! Oh and now that the car is getting more power to the ground, the clutch is slipping more. So its time for the 5 speed upgrade! Lets move that one up higher on the list!

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