First Chink in The Armor……

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The car goes to the shop for engine installation this week. At the same time I was planning on putting new springs and shocks on the car. So I decided on my day off to slap those BBS wheels on so when it returned it was looking great. I jacked the car up and put the car down on the new rims…I was going to take it for a quick spin when I heard and felt an HORRIBLE noise from the front of the car. It was like a scraping rubbing and tearing sound all in one. I stopped looked under the car and yup there was rubbing. My first thought was these are the wrong wheels….but I looked carefully and no they were right. Then I looked to see WHERE it was rubbing and it was only on the driver’s side wheel and it was rubbing the strut. So I pulled the wheels off and did a bit of research and it seems as if I have a bent strut on the drivers side….I have 2 options. Fix it with another strut…or add a spacer to clear the strut. I will probably replace the struts….While I am in there with the entire new strut…should I go with the big brake kit? I mean since I will have a new set of shiny, freshly powder coated struts on the car, wouldn’t it be a shame to put these rusty brakes back on it? Oh…here is how it will look once its all done….new springs shocks, wheels…..and with new struts, no rubbing. I expect this kind of thing to happen on a 33 year old car, its just the first time I have hit a snag….

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