Front Suspension – The end of the Saga

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IMG_0335 - Version 2

I decided to take another crack at the front suspension. I pulled it back into the garage, and attacked it! I pulled the passenger side first. The plan was to reuse the strut tube since it was not bent and to install the new Bilstein Sport strut insert with the Ireland Stage II springs. Getting the strut assembly out of the car wasnt too bad….then I went to remove the insert….wouldnt budge. So I took it to a 2002 shop that isnt far from me….I had the strut completely disassembled, just needed to get the insert out. Luckily I have a great shop nearby….It took 2 guys, a vice, a torch, and LOTS of muscle to get the insert out of the strut. After that it was a breeze…did both sides pretty quick and now the front of the car sits lower…no rubbing and my 14” BBS wheels are mounted. Next up…the rears. Oh and in addition to that, my engine has been dropped off at Coast Motor Werks. It is getting prepped for install which will be done hopefully in about 2 weeks. Just in time for my birthday! Come to find out the owner is a HUGE 2002 fan! He has about 3 personal cars in his shop, as well as a few REALLY nice 2002 engines that have been built and are on stands. I knew there was a reason I liked that guy!



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