January Project…HEAT!

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Well in SoCal we usually have AMAZING weather, but its now downright COLD…down in the 30s at night and 40s during the day…last year around I had the Lexus to drive when it got too cold so I wasnt too worried about the heater….but now that the 2002 is my daily driver, its now top on my list for 2010. I purchased a used heater box with the intent to rebuild it. I began to seriously look at the cooling system and I think I have narrowed the problem to the thermostat, NOT the heater. I think the car has a 71ºC thermostat thats is not allowing the car to warm up to its normal operating temperature. The stock one is 80ºC, so that is a considerable difference. The car also runs in the cold range ALL the time. Never warming up. So I am going to first swap the thermostat, hoping that gives me heat, then rebuild the heater box to seal it all up and make it more efficient. That would make a nice happy 2002 driver this winter and make the car ALOT more fun. I think the previous owner’s mechanic put the 71ºC thermostat in the car to prevent it from overheating. If the car runs hotter than it should with the 80ºC Thermostat, then the rest of the cooling system should be addressed. I am prepared for the worst. Which is I switch to the 80º thermostat and it runs hotter than I would want when it gets a bit warmer, but thats OK because I will but the upgraded 2002 3 core radiator which has PLENTY of cooling power. It fits in the stock location, looks stock, works great and 2002 owners in Arizona have said it keeps the car cool while sitting in 115º temps with the AC on. Thats what I want! So this weekend the hope is to have a nice and toasty 2002 experience!

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