Trunk Monkey

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Original condition of trunk

If you dont know what a “Trunk Monkey” is google it….they are a series of VERY funny commercials about putting a monkey in your trunk as a VERY effective anti-theft device. I was looking at my trunk after installing a new fuel sending unit in the gas tank and realized that there were some rust spots as well as alot of dirt and wear areas. It looked like a monkey was living in there for a LONG time.


Original condition of trunk Slight Rust Around Shock Tower Slight rust around Shock Tower


So I sanded things down, ordered a can of Fjord Blue spray paint from PaintScratch.  They are able to send you cans of high quality paint that will match the factory color of nearly any car.

Custom Can of Fjord Blue Paint



Primered the trunk with a few coats of primer.

After Rust Treatment and Primer

Then proceeded to paint all the areas of the trunk!


Shock Tower After Rust Treatment and Paint Shock Tower after rust Treatment and paint. Turnk after rust treatment, primer and paint.

Here it is all clean up!!!  A HUGE improvement!

Trunk after painting Trunk after painting and cleaned floorboards

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